Netflix in Sub-Saharan Africa: Our impact in South Africa, Nigeria & Kenya (2016-2022)

Netflix believes in Africa’s stories and has made innovative and dynamic investments into the creative ecosystems of Nigeria, South Africa and Kenya, contributing economically and socially to the growth of the screen sectors in the sub-Saharan region.

Netflix launched Netflix in SSA: Our Impact in South Africa, Nigeria & Kenya (2016-2022)’, an impact report by Africa Practice which details what the net economic contribution of these investments has been, and importantly, gauges the human impact of Netflix’s investment into the audiovisual sector.

With the support of Africa Practice’s Public Policy team, Netflix has been able to contribute to the sustainability and growth of local creative value chains, creating over 12,000 jobs and contributing over USD 236 million in increased household income in South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria alone.

Get the report here: Netflix in SSA: Our Impact in South Africa, Nigeria & Kenya (2016-2022)

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