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Impact evidence and design

Take evidence-based action where it matters most

In God we trust. All others must bring data.

W. Edwards Deming

1. User insights

Listen intently to your target audience – be it product users or local community members – to understand what matters to them. We speak to them in the spaces they occupy, in the languages they speak, and in a way that resonates. 

  • Primary data strategy, collection and analysis
  • Visual primary data collection, including public participation
  • Survey design, written and visual 

2. Regulatory impact assessment

Behavioural science-informed policies are proliferating. Supercharge change by exploring regulatory impact through the human behaviour lens.

  • Value at stake assessment
  • Strategy to maximise intervention impact
  • Value chain analysis 
  • Legislative/compliance regulatory impact assessment

3. Advocacy proof point development

Build reliable quantitative and qualitative proof points that are rooted in the real economy and the lived experience of people.

  • Legislative impact proof points
  • Initiative impact evidence 
  • Information design

4. Social impact assessment

Understand, optimise and report on your impact. We combine stakeholder, policy, sector, and narrative expertise to develop intervention designs and reports that resonate with the target audience. 

  • Social and socio-economic impact reporting
  • Impact scenarios and pathways 
  • Impact storytelling and visualisation 
  • Project design for impact

Case studies